05 July 2010


i think i have mentioned in the past the problem with bat infestation in the classroom block of my school.  i would estimate the building to be 20 or 30 years old, and i think there is approximately 20 or 30 years' worth of bat excrement in the ceiling of the building.  between the corrugated metal roof and the thin plywood ceiling must be piles and piles.  and, as you can imagine, when it's hot, that metal roof...well, anyway.  it's gross.  
so the other day, in one of my jhs classes there was a large dead something on the floor in the middle of the classroom.  at first i thought it was a huge cockroach, then as i got closer, it looked like a mouse.  with wings?  EWW A BAT.  i, of course, was disgusted, but my students had just been ignoring it for several hours already.  
when i couldn't handle it anymore, i asked one of the boys to sweep it away.  
instead, he reached down, picked it up WITH HIS BARE HANDS and tossed it onto the grass outside.  
he walked in, brushed his hands off on his shorts, and continued with his work.


  1. there was a dead baby mouse in our garage last week. i left for the weekend and I hope val took care of it... dead things=YUCK.

  2. Yuck! Remember that bat that swooped down at me during our first WOW meeting? I hate bats!

  3. We have bats. I live in a 90 year old farm house and we have bats. It really is okay with me, since they keep down the mosquito population. However, I would never, EVER, touch a dead bat with my bare hands. Or a live one either. I agree with you on that one.

  4. Hahaha! I would have done just what your student did :0 I don't mind icky things...
