17 June 2009

i am still alive!

so, what do you want to know about ghana? i need some ideas, because otherwise my updates will be quite scattered.
i could talk about the chickens and goats that roam everywhere, the delicious mangoes and pineapples that are sold for ridiculously cheap, the kind and welcoming people, the food that still has not made me sick, the tro-tro rides with more sweaty bodies crammed in a van than you ever imagined possible...
so many possibilities!
tomorrow we move in with our homestay families. tomorrow is also the day we find out where we will live for the two years! so it is an exciting day, indeed.
there are only six possibilities for placement, and really it sounds like each one of them is wonderful. each has good or bad things about it, but no matter what it will be great. i have become absolutely convinced i have the best possible program. i mean, ART? KIDS? SIGN LANGUAGE? bring it on! i enjoyed being in the classroom a couple days last week, and i think it will be a wonderful experience getting to know my own group of kids.


  1. you should always start your posts with "I am still alive." I think that's what we most want to know. Then, proceed to pick one of those things that you find interesting that is different or surprising about life in Ghana and tell us about it. Then tell us a funny story about how you accidentally cursed out a boy in your class b/c you made the wrong sign or some such thing. oh, and TAKE SOME MORE PICTURES. Seriously, Joy. 2?!?!?! and when you can, post them for us all!

  2. I really really like Janet's idea...I think that would be JAWESOME. Also, it sounds like you are REALLY happy and enjoying your time there. YAY! I'm jealous of all the mangoes and pineapples!

  3. oh what fun! so exciting! it was so good to talk to you today! yes, pics! funny stories, i like animals...especially farm animals! lol miss you!

  4. Hi Joy,
    I am Manish Padhiar Mom and I love reading your funny Blog..As manish haven't blogged after leaving US ..So every day I ck Journal...You have most exciting news ..Thats great to know that you all are alive !!!Very proud of all of you !!!Gld Bless You !!!

  5. Joyers, Pics are great - I agree! You could also tell us about a 'day in the life of joyers' or your favorite food or what your friends there are like or who the peole are that you are staying with...
    I love to read your updates so whatever you write I will read!

  6. Hi Joy,
    It is fun reading your blog! Elyse is my daughter. Elyse's grandmother is a follower and if I miss anything, she updates me. Keep your positive attitude as it's contagious. Debra Unruh

  7. Joy, we are so glad to hear all your good news. Tell us daily things, like how do you eat - at a table, on the floor? What kind of dishes do you eat in? What kind of animals have you seen? Are there snakes? How do the moms carry around their babies, and how do they do their daily work with little babies and toddlers around? Have you had a shower or had to bathe in a tub? What kind of a bed have you slept in? Are you doing a lot of walking? What are the houses like? Do the people put up decorations in their homes, like pictures or knick-knacks?

    Many blessings and prayers!

  8. Hey, Joy, Aunt Deb, here. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time and I couldn't agree more... It sounds like you're in the best program! Live it all to the fullest, as we are back here trying to live it through you.

    The fresh mangoes and pineapple were my favorite things to eat in Honduras as well. I like cathygopacers' ideas about what to write about. Here are a few more...

    Flora and fauna of the area,
    Do the people have pets? (In Honduras they do, but they look like they are starving) What kind of clothes do they wear and what kind are you expected to wear? I remember your aversion to bananas, anything you've been presented with that you just can't eat?

    Yep, I think it's not until you get into an area that's really hot, that you can really appreciate God's air conditioning of the body.(sweating!)

    Know that you are loved and you are in our prayers. Go forth with the Lord's blessing!
