17 December 2009

school party

last night was the end of term party for the students. it was hilarious, to me at least.
it started with two jhs boys coming over to my house, dressed in their finest clothes, to escort me to the party. one of them had a camera, so they each posed for a picture with me.
when i arrived at the party, the place was hopping. loud music, jamming. the deaf children, of course, couldn't hear it though. so they all sat calmly in their rows of chairs. the children from our mentally challenged unit, the ones could hear, were out on the dance floor having a blast.
there was a random homeless looking man, someone i've never seen before in my life, who apparently crashed the party. he stood off in the corner for quite a while, dancing by himself. but then a fast-paced song came on, and he raced into the center of the room. he threw down his cane, his purse (yes, purse), kicked off his shoes, and started break dancing. just because.
when the song ended, he picked up his things and returned to his corner.
an hour or two after the party was supposed to start, it actually did. the assistant headmistress spoke. then a representative from the ghana ministry of education gave a speech. to the students aged 4 to 21, she gave a lengthy warning. that the children should not drink when they return home. drinking is bad. and they should not smoke. smoking is also bad. but if they must, drinking is better than smoking, so you can maybe drink small but don't smoke atall. oh, and don't have sex. just because they are deaf does not mean that they will not get aids from having sex. so they should be careful and not have sex atall.
after that, they brought out the food. the plates for the teachers were massive, heaped full of rice, topped with spaghetti and cabbage and sheep. immediately, at least half the teachers pulled plastic bags out of their purses and dumped all the food in the bag to take home.
thankfully, the teacher i was sitting by had an extra bag, so i was able to save my leftovers as well.
i mean, it would be a shame to waste it, right?


  1. pahaha. i agree, pretty funny :) i especially like the reminder that deafness does not prevent AIDS. Good to know...

  2. And I'm fond of the spontaneous food-saving!
