this was really funny to me. mama chicken was trying to keep her chick warm, but the chick wanted to see what was going on too.
30 December 2010
mama chicken
this was really funny to me. mama chicken was trying to keep her chick warm, but the chick wanted to see what was going on too.
20 December 2010
our neighbor
17 December 2010
14 December 2010
not even close
07 December 2010
04 December 2010
02 December 2010
23 November 2010
a classroom!
for the last year and a half, the school has been rebuilding the girls' dormitory. because of this, the girls have been staying in classrooms.
for the last year and a half, the school has been rebuilding two teachers' houses. because of this, teachers have been staying in classrooms.
so, obviously, there has been a shortage of classrooms, and as always, art was the first to be cut. i've been a mobile art teacher.
but on thursday, the girls moved into their fancy new home!
which means i can reclaim my room! however, the problem now will be tracking down the furniture that i believe once existed to fill the room. that might take a little bit of detective work. until then, the students might just sit on the floor.
18 November 2010
catching the christmas spirit
12 November 2010
07 November 2010
the and is duck?
01 November 2010
28 October 2010
back to school
08 October 2010
gave up on the garden
18 September 2010
traveling (and why i avoid it)
14 September 2010
Fountain Square Art Fair
07 September 2010
"i will capsize your name."
animal life
05 September 2010
what i've been working on
02 September 2010
the passing of time
24 August 2010
22 August 2010
goats in the garden
03 August 2010
07 July 2010
calabash art
campus tour
this is daballah teaching social studies to jhs1. in my opinion, he's the best teacher at the school. he knows sign language and actually cares about his students...
05 July 2010
27 June 2010
25 June 2010
09 June 2010
world cup mania
life is normal.
27 May 2010
a year in review
23 May 2010
first up, my favorite, is yori yori. it's catchy. it'll get stuck in your head.
next is fall in love. my favorite lyrics are "sweet potato" and "sugar banana." they alone make this song amazing.
the last one isn't played so often now, but it's one i still enjoy. this was popular last summer, when it was announced that obama's first african trip would be to ghana. some of the biggest ghanaian musicians came together for this song to welcome obama to ghana. akwaaba is the twi word for "welcome," and you'll hear that a lot in it.
17 May 2010
drumming & dancing
good afternoon!
01 May 2010
visit ghana!
on the 31st of july is ghanafest, held in chicago.
now, i've never been, so i have no idea what this will be like, but it says it transforms washington park into a ghanaian market, with colorful african dress and wonderful crafts.
those of you who can go should.
let me know how it is.
eat fufu if they have it.
22 April 2010
teenage pregnancy
but i am really sad that one of my p2 girls (second grade) is pregnant. she is an older student (14 years old), but that is still too young for a baby. and it almost certainly means the end of her education, at the level where she can barely spell her own name.
last term, a jhs2 (9th grade) girl got pregnant, and that made me sad too, but she at least got some amount of an education first.
but now these two girls, audette and lika, are probably just beginning a really hard life. so sad.
it is served in a clear plastic bag, and it is a brownish-gray color similar to that of dirty dishwater. and it is thin and runny like dirty dishwater too.
koko is made out of millet and has ginger and i think even some hot pepper to flavor it. it is a breakfast food, add a little sugar and eat it like porridge. and it kinda burns your throat a little bit because of the spice, but it feels so good on a sore throat.
it is SO good. i find myself craving it for breakfast.
20 April 2010
totally worth it
there might be some very civilized, very polite way to eat a mango, but i have not discovered it.
whenever i bite into the wonderful, juicy sweetness of the mango, right away my teeth fill with the fibrous pulp. as i try to pick the bright yellow vampire-like fangs of mango threads from between my teeth, the juice starts dripping into my hand from the piece i'm still holding. then it starts dripping down my arm. if i'm lucky, i can catch it before it gets to my elbow, and i lick the juice back all the way to my hand. then, when i've eaten through the peel, the insides get so slippery that it slides all over and i almost drop it several times, all the while picking at my teeth and licking to my elbow.
i know every time that this will happen, but i just can't resist the mango. i need to start hiding in my house when i eat them, i think.
12 April 2010
i have good news for you
i'll try not to burn it down again this time.
07 April 2010
30 March 2010
so after an entire term of calabash everything, notes every week, quizzes almost every week, i finally gave my exams this week.
and one boy called me over and pointed to the word calabash on his paper and asked me what it meant.
26 March 2010
something to think about
poverty in ghana is defined as having less than 90Ghc (about $60) per year. Extreme poverty is defined as having less than 70Ghc (about $45) per year. PER YEAR.
when i read those numbers, i thought maybe they are just being extreme in their definitions, but then i read on.
the prevalence of poverty in my region is the highest in ghana, which i knew, as i am in a very rural, very poor area of the country. but this article defined the prevalence as 88%.
that means 88% of the people in the upper west here earn less than $60 a year.
19 March 2010
one of my first weeks teaching p2, i came early and observed the classroom teacher for a while before my class began. they were working on spelling, simple words like "dog" and "ball." students were taking turns coming to the blackboard to spell the words. one little boy named julius had an especially hard time, repeatedly spelling "bog" and "dall." as much as he tried, he just could not understand the difference between "b" and "d". the teacher made him stay at the front of the class, over and over making him rewrite the words, but little julius could not get it right. the teacher grew frustrated, but julius just kept trying and trying and never gave up.
and that's just how this little guy is. he's deaf and also has vision trouble. one eye is clouded, so he probably can't see out of it at all. since his only method of communication is visual, and he probably only has half vision at best, he obviously has a lot to overcome. plus, it seems that he has a learning disability.
but he never gives up. he spends at least twice as long on every assignment as the other kids do, but he keeps trying.
i noticed that he tends to misspell his name on a lot of assignments. he transposes the "u" and "i." i corrected him a couple times, but then i figured out why he was getting it wrong. he can't remember how to spell his name, so when he went to write his name on is paper, he flipped the hem of his shorts up, and stitched upside-down on the hem so he could read it right side-up was "JULUIS."
so that's just what he writes on every paper.
16 March 2010
long time
i don't have much new to say right now, except it is hot. that's the only news over here.
for the recipe i posted last time, there were a couple questions. on the ginger, get a couple pieces of the root. they should be the size of a couple fingers maybe. also, i think i overestimated the rice amount, so cut back on that.
please let me know if you make it; i am so curious what americans will think of this dish!
22 February 2010
a recipe
i wrote out the recipe american-style, since ghanaians never use recipes. you should make this. it is DELICIOUS.
rice balls and groundnut soup
rice balls: cook 4c rice with extra water until very soft and mushy. when cooked, mash rice so it loses the rice texture and looks more like mashed potatoes. place a handful in a bowl and shake/roll the bowl around until rice forms a ball, baseball/softball size. continue with all the rice.
groundnut soup:
2 fish or 2 chicken breasts
6 medium tomatoes
2 pieces ginger root
2 c water
1 1/2 c peanut butter (all natural: no sugar or oil)
2 bunches spinach
spices to taste: curry, nutmeg, salt, red pepper, etc
in a blender, puree the tomatoes until smooth. set aside. puree the ginger with the water, set aside. steam the fish or chicken in large pot until thoroughly cooked. remove from pot and set aside. cook the peanut butter in the pot until it thickens and starts turning darker brown. add the pureed tomatoes, mix completely. add the ginger/water, mix completely. boil for 10-15 minutes. clean spinach and cut into small pieces. add the spinach, fish or chicken, and desired spices to soup. boil five more minutes.
to serve: place one rice ball in bowl; spoon soup over the top. do not use a spoon to eat; pick up bits of rice with your fingers and use that to scoop up the soup.
makes 4-6 servings
13 February 2010
under the mango tree
all in all, it was a very entertaining time.
religion in ghana
i thought it would be interesting to tell you all a little about the religious beliefs in ghana. i feel like before i start though, i should give a little disclaimer. these are just my observations based on people i've met. i don't think all ghanaians believe these ways, and of course my observations may not be quite accurate.
ghanaians are very religious. the two main religions in ghana are christianity and islam. in southern ghana, people tend to be more christian; in the north, there are more muslims. the town where i live is probably a 50-50 split.
in ghana, there is no separation between church and state. there is no subtlety or political correctness regarding religious beliefs. it is perfectly acceptable to ask a stranger: are you muslim or christian? and it is generally assumed that you will answer one of those two. often pick-up football (soccer) matches are divided into teams, christians vs. muslims. it's very casual.
in a recent conversation with some teachers at my school, one of them described ghanaians as very tolerant. while there are definitely some things they are not tolerant about, the statement is absolutely true about religion. i think a huge reason that christians and muslims coexist so well here is they don't see any reason for tension or competition. i've heard both muslims and christians tell me that they all believe in the same god; they just worship him in different ways.
as far as the ways that they do worship god, those are quite different. for the muslims, when the call to prayer comes, shops close down for those few minutes. if you are in town, you'll see rows of men bent kneeling in prayer right in front of the shop where they are.
for christians, worship is on sunday mornings, and you'll see women in beautiful colorful dresses walking or riding to church. there is a variety of denominations of churches here. some of them are quite charismatic, some a bit calmer. church services can last anywhere from probably two to six hours.
the church i have attended a few times is a catholic church that meets in the lecture hall on my school's campus. it lasts about two hours, the shortest among ghanaian churches i have attended. while the service is a mass, it is quite different than any american mass i've seen. for one, this particular service is in three languages. there is the english, then the dagaare, and then sign language for the deaf students who attend. music is accompanied by drums and xylophones, with a choir of women singing. the music is loud, fast, and often accompanied with shrieks and screams. it is quite beautiful. when it comes time for the offering, people bring forward their usual monies, but then there is usually some group that presents the church with a gift. so a couple times, a line of people have brought in offerings of tea, soap, toilet paper, fruit, onions, yams, etc. it is all arranged neatly on trays and set carefully at the front of the church.
i have to admit, my favorite part of the ghanaian catholic mass is the dance-off. yep, that's right! this is a time when the priest (usually an old, white, european man, though sometimes a younger ghanaian man) sits down for a while and lets the women do their thing. the music gets louder, and one brave woman starts by geting up and dancing her way to the front. as others are moved, they go and join her, shrieking and screaming and laughing and having a wonderful time. children start rushing forward to join in, and the front of the church is filled with laughter and exuberant dancing. the priest and all the rest of us who remain seated just watch, laugh, and enjoy. i've only ever seen two men join in the dancing, but they received cheers and laughter the entire time.
so there you have it. religion in ghana. quite different than religion in america!