26 March 2010

something to think about

i was recently reading a document discussing poverty in ghana. some of the statistics in it really shocked me. i mean, i live here, and i see "poor" people, but i had no idea even that what i see is as extreme as it is.
poverty in ghana is defined as having less than 90Ghc (about $60) per year. Extreme poverty is defined as having less than 70Ghc (about $45) per year. PER YEAR.
when i read those numbers, i thought maybe they are just being extreme in their definitions, but then i read on.
the prevalence of poverty in my region is the highest in ghana, which i knew, as i am in a very rural, very poor area of the country. but this article defined the prevalence as 88%.
that means 88% of the people in the upper west here earn less than $60 a year.


  1. so that leaves me wondering, are the suffering from malnutrition? do they have access to clean water?

  2. wow!!! you know how quickly i spend $60 at the grocery store every week?! i feel pathetic.

  3. Excellent questions, Janet. Is poverty related to suffering. Suffering in the sense there is malnutrition. I kow what poverty looks like in the US. How does it compare to poverty in Ghana? Joy even comments that she didn't realize it was as extreme as she thought. Is that because she lives there and now isn't aware of it. Is it relative? Hmmmm. Once again, Joy, good post.
