13 October 2009

fashion statements

for classes, my students wear uniforms. the girls wear yellow dresses; the boys wear yellow shirts and khaki shorts. when classes end, the students change into their "play" clothes, blue checkered dresses or shirts.
on the weekend, the students are allowed to wear whatever clothes they want. and they, like most of the people in ghana, wear some funny things.
you know those clothes that you give to goodwill? and then from those, the ones that goodwill can't sell? and then the ones that the goodwill clearance whatever can't sell? well, those come to africa. they are called dead white man clothes, because ghanaians can't understand why someone would give away perfectly good clothes, so they assume the person must have died.
anyway. so my little students this weekend modeled some wonderful selections.
a little boy wearing a pink aeropostale shirt
a little boy wearing a "DYNAMAITE SISTERS" shirt
a big boy wearing a lady skins basketball shirt
a little boy wearing a shirt that said "hockey pro" with a picture of a football helmet
then there was also a little boy wearing a massive down ski jacket, despite the heat, i guess just because he owned it and thought it was cool.


  1. wow, i hope none of our clothes end up over there. it seems like my kids are rougher on clothes than most, so they are usually stretched or stained really bad.

  2. dead white man clothes. haha. that sounds about right. :)
