30 October 2009

the kiddos

pulling out a camera in front of kids in ghana is just asking for trouble. the kids swarm and appear out of nowhere to have their pictures taken. they don't understand needing to stand back from the camera, so they all rush it at once. but they love looking at their own pictures afterward.

so the other day, i let the kids play with some puzzles for a while. these are pictures of that adventure.

i only took pictures in one of my classes, because that camera is such an interruption to anything organized or calm, but here is a picture of some of my p2 kids.

ok, and i know i probably shouldn't have a favorite student already, but i do. his name is john, and he is in p1, and he loves learning about anything, and he has the hugest dimples in the whole world (which you can't see in this picture...). adorable.


  1. Oh, they all look so cute and fun! Thanks for sharing, Joy!

  2. so, for some reason my comments haven't been showing up :( sad day! It's a good thing I double-checked!
